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Women in Weed: The Next Generation of the Cannabis Industry

Jul 16, 2021

Education, Health Benefits and Everything In-Between

It’s no secret the cannabis industry is blowing up. With more states legalizing marijuana for recreational use, the industry has revolutionized overnight and boosted local and state economies. It’s about time weed is seen in a positive light. Women have played a big role in this transformation and continue to advocate for funding, proper research, and fair policies. 

Girl Power in the Industry

Women have shifted the industry focus on advocating change and educating others in and out of the cannabis world.  These badass women are in D.C. making big changes to the marijuana business and changing how politicians view the industry as a whole.

Green Education 

Why is it so important to teach others about the benefits of weed? By getting the conversation started and providing research behind the benefits, we can normalize cannabis as a medical treatment and as a safe, respectable way to relax!  Industry leaders have created learning platforms and programs to teach employees and independent dispensary owners about licensing, marketing, financing and more. Some colleges have even added “Cannabis Education” to their curriculum. Imagine majoring in Cannabis Science!

Networking within the Industry

Women love to support other women! In the past few years, women have been connecting and networking as the cannabis industry evolves. Through online communities, virtual and in-person events, and leadership summits, women have been incorporating continuous education surrounding the cannabis industry to promote success in cannabis. 

Check out Women Grow , an organization “created to connect, educate, inspire and empower the next generation of cannabis industry leaders by creating programs, community and events for aspiring and current business executives.” 

Women and minorities have had a tough time getting equal funding for their cannabis-based businesses. Thanks to the advocates speaking up, things are getting better.

Health Benefits

Medical marijuana has been around for a while now, but now with recreational use at an all-time high, more people are self-medicating physical and mental health issues. There’s no problem with that, as long as you’re careful.

Dosage is Key 

Unfortunately, there is not as much research as we would like on the determined health effects of marijuana. However, in research across the board, one thing remains consistent: know your limits!

It is important to always read the label, paying attention to ingredients and dosage amounts. Memorize how many grams are in an ounce so you can calculate your doses properly. Know your limits and use THC, CBD and hemp products you trust to experience the health benefits. Men typically benefit from higher doses than women. The last thing you want is to get sick or anxious instead of feeling better.
According to Miss Grass , dosing daily with CBD can help control effects if you tend to get too high or anxious. This is especially helpful for women who tend to be more sensitive to high-dose THC products. The ratio they recommend is 1:1 CBD/THC. Always start out with a low dose!

Consumption Preference in Women vs. Men

Women are more likely to consume edibles like gummies and chocolate, smoke from pipes, or use THC and Hemp lotions and creams. Men prefer to use carts, vape, dab and smoke blunts. This could be a personal preference or because of the type of high each form produces. 

Just like with food and alcohol, women and men have biological differences causing them to react differently to the same products. This is a result of varying muscle mass and fat distribution. This is no different when it comes to weed. From the form of consumption to health benefits, the effects of THC and CBD on men and women can be adverse. 

Health Benefits for Women, Men and Everyone

Many men have found marijuana products beneficial for both mental and physical health. Mentally, the appropriate dose of medicinal cannabis products can help reduce anxiety and help with depression. In addition, smoking before bed can help relax and help with insomnia. This is helpful in day-to-day situations, not long-term. A word of caution: large doses can create opposite effects increasing anxiety and dampening signals to the brain.

Physically, THC and cannabinoid (CBD) products can help with chronic pain, nausea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

While there’s limited research, it has been proven that many women have found great success using THC, CBD and hemp products for health reasons. Just like men, women can use the appropriate doses of cannabis for both physical and mental health benefits. One of the most common health benefits is the mental and physical aid THC provides during that time of the month.

Using Cannabis to Ease Menstrual Symptoms

It has become well-known that CBD and THC help alleviate irritating menstrual symptoms such as cramps, body aches, nausea and mood swings. There are many products designed specifically to help these symptoms. These products can help improve mental and physical well-being during your cycle and ease PMS symptoms.

Cannabis can also help ease chronic pain such as endometriosis. 11% of women in the U.S. suffer from this excruciating health problem that causes back pain, increased menstrual pain, and can even cause infertility.

Cannabis for Mental Health

As mentioned before, cannabis can help reduce anxiety and depression when dosed correctly. Marijuana is a natural antidepressant without the lasting side effects that come with prescription meds.  The last year has been a nightmare for most people, so it makes sense than anxiety and depression rates were higher than ever. 264 million people suffer from depression and women are impacted more than men. Many women have found THC helpful with postpartum depression (not when breastfeeding, of course). 

Cannabis in Skincare

As the beauty world turns toward more natural products, it was only a matter of time until consumers turned to CBD and hemp products. CBD contains more antioxidants than Vitamin C and E. The fat acids help aid irritated skin. CBD oil works as an anti-inflammatory to help acne. Hemp Seed oil is often used to hydrate and soothe dry skin, specifically eczema and psoriasis. There are many topical creams used to treat irritable skin. Many women are incorporating cannabis products into their self care routines. Why not enjoy a nice high while treating yo’self?

Cannabis & Sex

Marijuana can actually increase the sex drive in women. In the chaotic world we live in, we can use all the help we can get! Women have found greater sexual satisfaction after using cannabis products. The more frequently the product is used, the greater the satisfaction. Your increased libido relies on which strains you use. 

Sativa or Indica? Which is best for me?

There are numerous reasons we use cannabis products and it is important to know what kind to use, and when. Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica are the two species of cannabis we commonly hear about. 

Sativa is known to give a head high meaning it helps with mental health problems. Sativa can help reduce anxiety and stress while increasing creativity and focus.

Indica is the full body species helping to relax the body, reduce insomnia, and alleviate body aches and pains. 

There are individual strains and hybrids, and it is important to research which kind will benefit you and your needs the most.

The Future of Cannabis

With legalization of recreational cannabis use spreading, there has been much positive light shed on the economical and health benefits of the green industry. There is no question that women have played a role in this shift. If we continue to promote industry education, conduct scientific research, structure cannabis businesses for success, and advocate for policy improvements, we’ll be headed in the green direction!

Ecomeds is a women-owned and run online dispensary that focuses on eco-friendly and sustainable cannabis options.


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