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Why Are People Microdosing Psychedelics?

Aug 23, 2021

Does Microdosing Psychedelics Help People to Live Better Lives?

Just as the legalization of cannabis is spreading to various extents across the U.S., it seems that psychedelics may also be showing signs of societal benefit. As Boomers and Gen X make way for Millennials and Gen Z – morning routines seem to be shifting too.

Rather than a coffee and a cigarette to get the jump on their day, people are more often turning to microdosing psychedelic drugs like magic mushrooms or LSD. 

Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are reporting that taking a tiny amount –  too insignificant to get the user… tripping out – is helping them to overcome anxiety and depression, remain more present or creative and benefitting their day-to-day lives.

In this article, we look at where this idea came from, some of the impacts still felt today, and where it is headed in the wake of cannabis reform.

A Brief History of Microdosing Psychedelics

In 1966 a man named James Fadiman published a study about hallucinogens and creative problem-solving. Remember psychedelic rock? Of course, you do – well Fadiman set out to study whether or not there was anything to it.

His study has been hailed as a landmark, even though he himself thinks more research needs to be done. Anecdotal reports have been on the rise. People suffering from ailments like panic attacks have said that microdosing psychedelic drugs helps them overcome their affliction.

While there hasn’t been extensive research, there have been some studies that aim to examine the pros and cons of microdosing psychedelics. The results of one such study describe finding 26.6% of participants had improved mood and 14.8% had improved focus, while a smaller percentage experienced an increase in anxiety (6.7%).

Another study has shown that 44% of a microdosing group said that it significantly improved their mental health. Of the same group, 2% reported microdosing psychedelics as a way of kicking other substances. And though that number is small there have been preliminary anecdotal evidence to support that claim.


What Kind of Psychedelics Do You Use to Microdose?

Now, microdosing isn’t the same as taking a trip to the jungles of Peru and taking Ayahuasca in hopes of a spiritual experience. That would be macro dosing – another approach. But you can microdose Ayahuasca! Here is a list of some popular drugs that people are using to help them in their lives:

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

This is one of the more popular drugs for microdosing. Depending on the delivery method – usually a piece of paper soaked in the liquid or the liquid itself, it can be a more accurate method than attempting to eyeball the next item on the list.

LSD users have reported their experience to be far sharper with enhanced productivity. It is important to ensure the correct dose with LSD. As it remains an illegal substance, it is impossible to regulate the production. Finding a reputable source and using discretion is critical for those who wish to microdose LSD.

Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms)

When it comes to microdosing, magic mushrooms are probably what most people think of first. Users find that they help with anxiety when dosed correctly. Some have also reported that they have a grounding effect, making mushrooms helpful for some suffering from PTSD.  

One challenge with magic mushrooms can be trying to break up the right amount. Caps tend to have a stronger effect than stems, so it can take a while to get a feel for how it affects each user.

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)/Ayahuasca

DMT can be taken on its own and is also the active ingredient in ayahuasca – a brew made from the leaves and bark of plants found in the Amazon. Shaman-led ceremonies have popularized the consumption of Ayahuasca in macrodoses. This is another approach to benefitting from psychedelics, but not the one we are talking about today!

Users have reported feeling a euphoric effect when consuming DMT in microdoses. This makes it a likely candidate for treating trauma-related issues such as anxiety and depression.

Cannabis / CBD

People have even been microdosing cannabis! It is being touted as the next big thing in the world of medical marijuana. Microdosing cannabis can be a great way for those experiencing anxiety to help alleviate their symptoms without getting stoned, which is not always the best thing for productivity. 

This approach is something we’re watching and just might be a topic for another article altogether…

What’s on the Horizon

As many states move legislation in the right direction with cannabis, there are even those who are open to the benefits of psychedelics as treatment. Oregon has taken the leap and become the first state to legalize magic mushrooms.

While they are the first to take this bold, open, and progressive action, they are not the only state to have loosened psychedelic-related restrictions. The District of Columbia has also elected to decriminalize the use of psilocybin and other psychedelics.

As cannabis legislation becomes reformed in state after state, it would appear that one old statement regarding marijuana as a gateway drug is turning out to be true – in a new context. The more we learn about the benefits of cannabis and psychedelics and open our minds to the idea that these may have a place in our society, we empower ourselves.

La entrada Why Are People Microdosing Psychedelics? se publicó primero en Ecomeds.


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